Using survey data from 113 ski resort managers in Europe and North America, Kuščer and Dwyer respond to two research questions: (1) Which sustainability indicators are part of pillars and requirements of ski resort sustainability and (2) Which types of ski resorts are more effective in managing sustainability? The results of the study suggest larger ski resorts are better equipped to reduce environmental impacts per visitor; the authors reason that larger resorts tend to be more politically connected, have more resources to monitor performance and attract skilled labor, and can more easily invest in programs designed to educate employees and guests about environmentally preferred practices. Furthermore, resorts with longer pistes (e.g., ski runs or paths; over 65 km) and those located at higher altitudes (over 2400 m) are more likely to engage successfully in sustainable business practices. According to the authors, the results indicate larger resorts may present more preferable environmental outcomes.
Cite: Kuščer, K. & Dwyer, L. (2019). Determinants of sustainability of ski resorts: do size and altitude matter? European Sport Management Quarterly, 19(4), 539-559.